Our history spans three centuries and four generations. Constant evolution and reference point in the production of medical compression stockings and garments, Gloria Med, thanks to the experience of over 90 years, continues to offer a complete and high quality range of products for the well-being and beauty of the legs as well as professional products for Medical Doctors.

Gloria’s history began as medical business in Milan, Italy

Napoleone Peroschi moves to Lugano (Switzerland), where he started his own business, opening an orthopedics shop in Cioccaro Square.
Ph. Luganese Tourist Board

While manufacturing activity started in 1926 in Lugano, Switzerland

Gloria moved to Menaggio, on lake Como, becoming a well-known brand in the phlebology field.
Ph. Luigi Secchi – ElleEsse Media

His son Vittorio joins the company, giving a boost to the industrial and commercial activity.

The first fully automatic loom appears

The third generation joins the company:
Franco in R&D and production, Alessandro marketing and sales

Gloria joined the famous Quality Association of medical stockings producers in Germany and adheres to RAL-GZ 387 standard.

Gloria Maglieria Elastica Srl, originally Fabbrica Calze Elastiche Gloria, becomes Gloria Med S.p.A

Alberto, the fourth generation, joins the company. He is current R&D Manager.

In full pandemic the production departments, warehouses and logistics are transferred to the new buildings in Traona (Sondrio). Headquarters remain in Menaggio (Lake Como).
Ph. Roberto Ganassa – ClickAlps

After 95 years, the historic Gloria brand becomes Gloria Med to better highlight the company’s medical mission.